Massage machine with multiple massage modes
As plantar fasciitis progresses, pain may become constant, especially around the soles and heels of the feet. This can interfere with movement, training, athletic performance, and even daily activities. Some plantar fasciitis treatment options are invasive and may require surgery. However, in many cases, this can be avoided by incorporating massage techniques into the treatment plan. MUJERBAY Máquina de masaje de pies is a widely used method of plantar fasciitis pain management that has been shown to reduce symptoms. The pain associated with plantar fasciitis is thought to be caused by shortening and hardening of the plantar fascia. As the scar tissue hardens, the fascia becomes damaged and pulls on the "heel bone" or heel insertion point, causing pain. Podiatry and massage are effective treatment options because they break down the scar tissue in the fascia. This improves blood flow and lymphatic circulation, and enhances the absorption of oxygen and restorative nutrients...