A smartwatch for both men and women

 This fitness tracker is a birthday gift for my girlfriend and I chose it for a very simple reason. Recently it's almost Christmas, if you are also thinking about what to give as a gift, I think you can try to know about this smart watch, which is perfect for both men and women.

We can get more fun from fitnessbit smartwatch. First is the music assistant and control which is perfect for young people. Listening to songs is essential nowadays, and when the weather is cold you don't need to pull out your phone from your bag anymore, you can control it directly from your watch. And this only requires an app, after a successful connection, touch the smartwatch to quickly play or pause music and switch songs. Especially good for exercise. No need to take your phone out of your pocket while exercising. Enjoy the dual experience of exercise and music.

Another main reason I chose to give it to my girlfriend is that it has a tool on it that is perfect for women - female menstruation reminder and pregnancy plan. This feature can remind users of their different physiological status in time, which is the best care for women. As a caring boyfriend, this is very good way to get your girlfriend started.

This fitness tracker for men has more features that everyone can quickly understand and use, it is suitable for most people. Of course there are some requirements for compatible phones, the "FitCloudPro" app requires iOS 9.0 and Android 4.4 and higher and Bluetooth 4.0 and is smartphone only, not PC, iPad or tablet. I think it's a great choice for a gift that few people can resist.


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