The perfect relaxation device after exercise or work

 massage chairs have many common uses and for many people this is done in conjunction with other regular activities. One particularly popular method: using the zero gravity massage chair before or after a bath.

For some people, the ideal form here is to have a nice, relaxing bath followed by a massage. This can be particularly effective if you find yourself feeling tense or stressed, as the warm water of the bath can even help relieve these symptoms before you start using the massage chair.

In addition, if you have a skin condition such as psoriasis or eczema, bathing before using the massage chair can help to cleanse and soothe your skin, making the massage experience more comfortable. It will also generally make you cleaner, and hygiene is important to many people who use massage chairs.

For some people, especially if the bath is warm or hot, bathing first can actually amplify the effects of the massage by further relaxing the muscles. This can increase relaxation and a sense of well-being.

If you go down this route, make sure you follow some basic precautions. For example, make sure you don't use the massage chair full body while your hair or other parts of your body are still wet, as this can damage the chair. Also, if you have any skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema, make sure you apply a moisturiser after your bath so that your skin does not become too dry during the massage.

Others find they prefer to use the zero gravity massage chair first and then shower. This can be particularly effective if you are using it to relieve pain, as the warm water of the bath can help to further relax the muscles and relieve symptoms.

In addition, for those who are concerned about getting bacteria or other contaminants while sitting in the massage chair, bathing afterwards can help cleanse the body and reduce the risk of infection.

If you go this route, be sure to give yourself plenty of time between your massage and bath to give your body a chance to cool down and adjust. Also, make sure you don't use too hot water in the bath as it can be dangerous after a massage.

Recently gaining popularity, the massage chair lifts the feet to the same level as the heart, reducing the pressure of gravity on the spine and relieving the discomfort of back pain. A more comprehensive massage of the muscles throughout the body for greater relaxation.


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